What an incredible day! 72 stations participated in our 2nd annual Vinylthon and we have heard that at least 12 stations went for the full 24 hours of vinyl only! Thanks for all the stations who participated, and thanks to everyone who tuned in to listen!
A favorite moment was when we were told of a remarkable effort by one student, Mark Holmes at Warner University Radio (FL), who did almost 24 hours by himself!
Apparently at a weekly student media staff meeting last Wednesday, Warner University senior Mark Holmes told his media advisor “We’re getting a golden slipmat for Vinython. Trust me.”
He almost single-handedly kept his word. For Vinylthon 2017, Holmes came on the air at midnight and played seven straight hours of vinyl. A second student relieved him for two hours, and he went on again at 9 a.m. A third student came in and went live from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and then he was back — and this time to stay to the end.
In all, Holmes will have sat in on 18 hours of vinyl, solo.

“I just thought this would be a fun thing to do,” he said during this 13th hour. “I am a little tired though.”
His favorite vinyl so far? “I’d have to say The Wiz soundtrack,” he said. His least favorite? “To be honest, all of the vinyl hasn’t been that bad — even Kenny Rogers,” he said, “but, if I had to be honest, I’d say Good morning Sunshine by Oliver.”
Just after he hit the midnight mark – we contacted him. You can hear how that went.
Congrats Mark and all the stations who participated! Here’s to Vinylthon 2018!